Sunday, 20 September 2015

Impact of Design & Visual Culture on the Society

Design and Visual Culture have a strong impact on people. In our daily life we can see various designs around us but do not identify them. We do not realise it. Lets try to find some designs in our daily life. A basic tooth brush that we use every morning to clean our teeth, have we ever thought why the shape of the tooth brush is rectangle and why isn’t it circular or why aren’t our mobile phones that we use daily in the shape of a trapezium? There is always a reason behind it. Design is unique. There is design in everything.

Visual Culture is that aspect of culture that can be expressed visually. An image leaves a greater impact on the minds of people rather than a long essay full of textual information. The first impression of “someone” or “something” on the people is his/her/its looks; the way people carry themselves, the way they dress up. If it’s a product, the way its designed, packaged, its colours.


We have seen various companies/brands have their own logos. Logos are a way of visual representation. For eg. When we see a tick sign we know its nike, when we see an apple with a bite we know its Apple.

When we go to have lunch in a Japenese restaurant we expect the ambience of it would be Japenese. Just by entering in the restaurant we know its Japanese as the ambience, the arrangement, the menu, the uniform of the waiters, the scripts displayed in the restaurant represent Japanese culture.

These days many cafes, restaurants have started opting particular themes to attract a customers of particular age (target audience). For eg. Rico’s and QD’s in Hudson Lane, Lights Camera Action in Hauz Khas Village and many more created an ambience for the youth. Youngsters, college going students like going to such cool and funky places as they love the ambience and the food as well.

These places are designed in a way that represent a particular culture. Such lively atmosphere, crazy songs, food with attractive and catchy names, the perfect posters, the perfect lighting is a place liked by the youngsters to hangout with their friends. Whereas when we think to go out for a family dinner, all such cafes will never come to our mind because our parents do not like that typical ambience. They would like to go to a simple and sober place with good food and peaceful environment to spend some quality time with the family.

We can see design and visual culture everywhere, be it our bed room, our house, the roads, our schools or colleges, offices, cities, monuments, restraunts, hotels, streets, airports, etc. Eg. Delhi Airport-T3 the mudras of the hands represent Indian culture. When a foreign tourist arrives India the first image that he thinks of India is those hands that depict our culture. As we all know First impression is the last impression.

Thus, we can see how design and visual culture impact the society in every little thing we do. Its present everywhere!


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