Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Impact of Visual Communication on the Viewers

"The Picture says it all" a very common quote used by youngsters these days under their pictures on various social networking sites. What do they mean by this? They dont want to put long captions describing their picture because the image explains itself. Long captions often get too boring for the viewer's to read all of it but visuals-just to the point, exactly explains itself.

I dont need to explain the above images using long descriptive texts. Everyone can easily understand the story of the old couple's life, their love and understanding. Visual Communication is not through images but also facial expressions, eye contact, signals, gestures, posters, maps, charts, symbols, illustration and animation, graphic design, magazines, prints, books, screen-based media, interactive web design, design for advertising, promotion, short films, etc.

These days Visual Communication is having an increasing impact on our day to day practical life. It is an effective and simple way of communication. It helps in saving precious time of people as they do not have to read several pages of theoretical information and helps them to take a quick decission. Also these days most of the business organisations us visual techniques for their presentations. For eg.:they show their company's growth rate or profit earned in comparison with their past records through pie charts, bar graphs,etc.


When it comes to newspapers, its a true fact that people have lost interest in newspapers and have left reading it. Some of the reasons according to me for it are the same black and white newspaper everyday, with same font style, same font size everyday. There is no change. People are bored. In this rapidly changing time people need changes very often otherwise they get borred very soon and lose interest. Therefore designers have started designing newspapers these days so that people get some change and do not lose their interest in newspapers. Designers have started adding more of visuals so that the people see the image and at once know that what is the article all about. They do not need to read the whole of the article. People these days want everything to happen fast. They do not want to waste time reading long stories. 


Also when it comes to brands, their first identity is their logo which is again a visual. Like a man is known byt its name, a brand is known by its logo. So, the moment we see a tick we know that's a Nike, the moment we see a half eaten apple we know its Apple. Visuals play a very important role in our life. The whole identity or existence of a brand can be depicted through a small visual/logo.                          



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